How to refresh any room this summer

interior designer melbourne

Summer is the perfect time to refresh any room in your home. Firstly because you’re on holidays and have time. Secondly, because of all the Boxing Day sales. Thirdly, it’s just fun to refresh any room. You can really enjoy the process and the end result when you have the time. Here’s how to refresh any room this summer.

Before you start shopping for furniture or furnishings

Before you start shopping for furniture or furnishing, learn your interior style goal and figure out your favourite colour scheme. It’s important to know how your want your room refresh to look.

Working out your preferred interior style goal and colour scheme constitutes what I call an interior design strategy.

I do this from the outset of every project I work with. Knowing what my client’s preferred aesthetics and colours are helps me select the right furniture.

You can learn your preference by doing some research. You can select your favourite color scheme by reading my blog on the subject.

Have a furniture plan

Once you have an interior design strategy, work out your furniture plan or layout. Having a furniture plan means you’ve put some thought into what pieces you need. As well as how they’ll be positioned.

Decide your furniture plan based on functionality. Ask yourself how is the space used most of the time. Who uses the space and what times of the day?

Assuming a living room is only used for watching TV, might not be entirely accurate. Maybe you move the sofa to do some yoga.

Or maybe you don’t even watch TV so you might need a sofa. Maybe a couple of armchairs will suffice.

It’s important to be honest with yourself about how you use the space. Rather than how you would like to use the space based on a possibly future hobby, for example.

Measure your space to ensure you get furniture that is in proportion to the space and to each other. Large furniture that compromised flow of movement also compromising successful apartment living.

Buying furniture online

Instead of heading to the shops, get confident buying online. In so many ways it’s easier and faster.

Once you decide what pieces you need to can search for them in your particular style. You could also check out my affordable curated furniture sets.

When buying furniture to refresh any room this summer, consider the materials used. Check the warranties offered. It’s also important to know the country of manufacture and the returns policies.

Once the furniture arrives ensure you assembled it accurately. I actually outsource this to somebody more handy. Place the piece in the space according to the furniture plan.

Then step back as consider what’s missing. Do you need décor, art, plants? Décor like cushions, throws, art and plants add interest to the space. They also help personalise the space.

Refresh any room this summer with my tips above. Achieve an easy, seamless, and stunning update. You will love it and love to show it off.