I’m working on a project that has mirror right in front of the entrance. Mirrors always make me think of Feng Shui I’ve been interested in Feng Shui for a very long time. I’ve got three books on the subject all published in the late nineties. Every now and then, when I feel things a bit stagnant in my life, I refer to these books. Looking at these books again refreshes my understanding of the basics of feng shui and enables me to make some shifts to my space.
For example, in the early days of my business, I was feeling that my business wasn’t growing fast enough. So, I referred to my feng shui books and added some plants to my office. Plants (green) encourage abundance or fortunate blessings.
There are clear parallels with the practise of interior design and feng shui. These include balance, positioning and flow of movement or chi.
Feng Shui Explained
According to Gina Lazenby’s book ‘Simple Feng Shui’, feng shui is an ‘intuitive’ response to a space. I wholeheartedly agree.
Each interior space can be mapped out in line with a bagua (below). The bagua is a hexagonal shape cut in to eight sections. Each section is connected to an element. For example, earth and a compass direction, for example, south.

You can simply draw a floor plan of your space. Then place a bagua outline on top of your floor plan, so that you can understand how to achieve balance in your space according to the different bagua sections.

Feng Shui in practise
There are many creative ways you can ‘correct’ a space. I mentioned plants above, but I’ve also used colour and materials such as wood to make any correction.
When you go through the feng shui process, you feel a sense of calm. Interior design is not just about furniture and furnishing. Interior design is also about how a person feels in a space. It’s not a tangible feeling or thought. It’s intuitive.
When I see people enjoying a space I’ve created, that takes into account basic feng shui principles, I know the chi or flow is right.
The Book Depository has a wide range of books on the basics of feng shui. Including the one I referenced above – ‘Simple Feng Shui’ by Gina Lazenby but have a browse and choose one that speaks to you intuitively.
Understanding the basics of feng shui could change your life, by ensuring the chi flows easily, the space feels good and you attract prosperity.
If you have any questions about feng shui please touch base.