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Although a small item, it’s important to style cushions right.  Whether in a living room on a sofa or on a bed in a master bedroom. Often the last piece of the styling puzzle, the cushion adds so much.  Cushions can add, texture, warmth and comfort. But do you like lots of cushions or just a couple? Some clients like lots of cushions even though the cushions may impede the enjoyment of a piece such as sofa, or in a bedroom which requires the removal of these cushions prior to going to bed. Everyone is different and no one way is right or wrong but there are some considerations to think of such as style, storage, and users.


The interior style can decide the quantity, size, colour and texture of the cushions you purchase.  For example, a client of mine wanted a minimal Scandinavian style, so he was happy with just two cushions on the sofa and none in the bedroom.
interior designer melbourne
Residence, St. Kilda East, Grace Interior Designs


Another example, was an Airbnb I worked on where the space was small, which required a small sofa with only a couple of cushions.  In this instance the colour and comfort factor was important for the images on the online platform.
interior designer melbourne
Airbnb, Brunswick, Grace Interior Designs
However, there are some clients who want many cushions and some styles actually require many cushions.  Luxe styles tend to lend themselves well to a lot of cushions.  Mainly, because the variety of textures and sizes communicate luxe.
interior designer melbourne
Residence, Coburg, Grace Interior Designs (styling by Bettina Archer Interior Design)
With cushions, there is a practical consideration as well to ensure you style cushions right.  For client with children, they decided on many cushions for the master bedroom but not for the living room where the kids play. In terms of styling, it is easier to style a smaller amount of cushions, say two to three, rather than styling many cushions in many sizes.  With two to three cushions, you can go classic and just place one cushion in each position on the sofa or bed. Two cushions can also be placed, in a relaxed fashion, one end of the sofa, with a throw placed on the end for balance. With more than two cushions, consider styling your cushions in groups of threes or fives.  Odd numbers work together in collections rather than even numbers. I think you can fun styling cushions right, but remember to keep the receipt just in case. How many cushions do you like to have on your sofa or bed? Buying Tips – Colours, product stock and product availability vary. If something is out of stock please contact us for an alternative suggestion. Prices change regularly. Check dimensions, warranties, quality and delivery times and charge. Disclaimer – We may receive a commission.