What mistakes to avoid with a renovation project

interior designer melbourne

Last year a residential client I started working with terminated their contract (it happens). They felt they could do it themselves and save some money as they had a tight budget. Twelve months later, I heard through my builder (who they’ve engaged) that they are still struggling with the floor plan. So here are my top mistakes to avoid with your renovation project?

What’s your budget allocation?

For any renovation project having a budget is important. Nobody wants budget blowouts. But I think it’s important to allocate this budget appropriately and have a contingency.

For example, by spending $10,000 on an interior designer you could save up to 30% on some specifications. And avoid spending more on revision after revision on drawings such as this client has done.

This client wants terrazzo but can’t afford terrazzo. Working with an interior designer can help you specify fittings, fixtures and finishes within your budget and aesthetic style goal.

Time is money. By messing around with the floor plan this client has wasted months and in that time the cost of materials has increased.

With a realistic budget allocation, you can see where to spend and where to save.

Know when to DIY

It takes self awareness to know when to DIY and when to bring in experts. I think when you’re wanting to change the entire floor plan of your home, it’s best not to DIY the spatial configuration.

Another client I worked with engaged me to specify for their kitchen renovation project, but they saved money by assembling the Ikea cabinetry they ordered.

A client I worked with was stuck on what colour to paint their walls of their kitchen renovation project and engaged me to select a wall paint colour.

Experts are experts for a reason. While there is a cost to engage them there is also a cost benefit and saving as well.

Have an interior design plan

Fundamentally a large residential project requires a variety of skills. Technical skills such as a trade, planning skills, budget skills, trouble shooting and so on. So, every decent sized interior design project needs a team and a plan.

A good interior design renovation plan includes a sound functional floor plan and an interior design strategy.

An interior design strategy includes understanding your style goal and colour scheme from the outset of the project.

On all the projects I work on I don’t start talking to the builder without an interior design strategy, a floor plan and a specifications list.

By trying to save money, the client mentioned above has made a big mistake. The couple are not interior designers, building designers or architects so they’re struggling with the foundation of their project which is the floor plan.

This delay is costing them money and could compromise the functionality of their home. They could spend $200,000 and not get the home they want or need. They could not address their functional problems. They could also compromise the resale value of the home.

So recap, what mistakes to avoid in your renovation project include; allocating your budget (not just setting a budget), engaging the right expertise and having a good floor plan and interior design strategy from the outset.