Interior design principles

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In my last post I talked about the seven interior design elements. Which are the foundation of any space. And what an interior designer considers in a holistic way when designing a room. As well as the interior design elements there are also the interior design principles. There are five interior design principles that contribute to a beautiful space in aesthetics, function and experience.

Balance – interior design principle 1

There is balance is colour, balance in texture, balance in shape, basically each of the seven interior design elements need to be applied in a space to achieve balance.

If for example a space has a colour scheme of black, white and grey with a pink accent but there is only one pink piece in the space, the space will be out of balance from a colour perspective.

Another example would be if you have a Luxe dining table and Mid-Century Modern dining chairs, the style would be out of balance.

Balance can be formal and symmetrical but also informal and asymmetrical as well.

Rhythm & repetition – interior design principle 2

In the colour scheme example above if the accent pink was repeat then balance could be achieved. Of each of the seven interior design elements, there needs to be repetition to achieve rhythm.

This is achieved through repetition of colour as well as texture, line, shape and so on. A visual link which the eye can follow. Often this is subtle and may not be easily identified.

For example in a current project I’m working on in Docklands, I’m using the herringbone pattern in the rugs in the living zone and tv zoon to connect the spaces. But they’re different in colour to also differentiate them functionally.

Emphasis – interior design principle 3

While a lot of people like a lot of décor, these items need to be applied with balance and repetition to ensure the focal piece of the space is emphasised.

The focal piece of the space is always the piece of furniture that supports the key function of the room. For example the sofa in the living room or the bed in a bedroom.

For a room to work the emphasis always needs to be on the focal point, not the décor.

Proportion & scale – interior design principle 4

The size of furniture is important not only so that it can fit in a room but so that it’s in proportion to each other and the total volume of space.

A large master bedroom with a single bed does not achieve scale or proportion. Additionally too many pieces that are oversized will impact the flow of movement around the room and compromise the negative space.

Harmony – interior design principle 5

The final interior design principle is harmony, essentially this is the holy grail of interior design. The end result.

Where all the interior design elements and interior design principles come together seamlessly.

Harmony ensures the end user feels at ease in the space. Everything working together beautifully. It’s bringing the elements together to create a functional relationship within the physical aspects of the space such as structure.

If harmony had a feeling, it would feel like home.