Homewares create a sense of home

furniture packages

I recently watched an interview of young people about the upcoming federal election. Of course home ownership was discussed. So it got me thinking about what is home and can you get the feeling of home without actually owning a home? I think you can. I think the secret is in buying homewares that create a sense of home.

What is home?

Working with a range of clients both owner occupiers and renters, the look of what home is varies from person to person. But what is the same is the feelings of home. Feelings such as comfort, love, nostalgia, memories, relaxation, safety, home cooked meals or whatever home means for you.

So if home is a feeling you can certainly achieve this without an actual home. You can achieve this through homewares. Carefully selected homewares that you can take with you wherever you live is more achievable than buying a home.

Curated homewares

When I think about the homewares that I have there are some things that I’ve had for 20-30 years. For example, I have an antique hat box that was a gift for my sixteenth birthday. I have a Mid-Century Modern magazine table I bought with my last $50 from a second shop in St.Kilda.

There are certain pieces I own that make me feel like I’m home no matter where I live. For example, when I moved to London I brought my art with me. When I moved back to Melbourne I brought all the crockery back with me that I bought in London. Even the measuring cups I bought in London make me feel like I’m home.

What to buy?

It’s never to early or too late to buy homewares that give you those feelings of home. I think a good place to start is your bed. Whether you own or rent you will need a good bed head or bed frame and mattress. This is something not to compromise on. But because a bed can be dismantled you can take this with you wherever you go.

Art is also something that you could invest in. Because art is highly visual you will get a strong connection of home as soon as you put your art up.

Blankets or throws are naturally comforting so investing in a good quality blanket or throw will ensure you get that relaxed feeling of home.

Another homeware piece that always reminds me of home is a Le Creuset black jug that I use as a vase as well as a jug. Moving from Melbourne to London, if I placed this jug on my dining table with some sunflowers always makes me feel nostalgic.

Home and home ownership        

Home ownership is generally not a goal in certain cities in Europe. Does it really need to be a goal for young people in Australia? If home is a feeling and not a place then you can easily achieve this because homewares that create a sense of home are achievable and in my view more fun.