How to create an interior design strategy for your home project for a beautiful space?

scandinavian furniture package

I’ve been working as an interior designer for over ten years and there is one thing I always do with my clients. That one thing is to establish an interior design strategy. What is an interior design strategy? For me this is about defining an interior style goal and colour scheme from the outset of the project. So how do you create an interior design strategy for your home.

What is an interior style goal?

We all know of at least one interior style for example Scandinavian. But there are so many more. From my experience I think these are the most popular interior styles in Australia, Hamptons, Boho, Scandinavian, Industrial, Luxe, Mid-Century Modern and French Provincial.

But most people like elements and design features from a variety of styles. For example, a Brunswick extension project I worked on, the client wanted a fusion of Mid-Century Modern, Industrial and Art Déco.

For my own apartment I combined Mid-Century Modern, Industrial and southern European influences. Such as Italian tiles, French style bistro dining chairs and so on.

The reason I set an interior style goal from the outset of a project is because this facilitates the decision-making process throughout the entire project. Generally, it makes the interior design implementation stage of the project smoother.

How? Let’s say for example you’re looking for a sofa. Let’s also say your preferred interior style goal is Mid-Century Modern. But you’ve seen and like a Chesterfield sofa.

It may be on Facebook Marketplace as a good option, in good condition for a good price. Or maybe you saw it in a shop, and it was style beautifully.

It’s also possible the thing you like about this Chesterfield sofa is the colour, the fabric or the tufted buttons. Rather than the whole Chesterfield sofa itself.

But while there is something you like about this Chesterfield sofa it’s not suited to a Mid-Century Modern aesthetic. Knowing you want a Mid-Century Modern style in your living room enables you to say no to the Chesterfield.

Knowing your interior style goal enables you to stay focused, be less confused and ensure you make less furniture mistakes.

Why selecting a colour scheme is important?

Selecting a colour scheme from the outset of your project is important for three key reasons. Firstly, it ensures that the colour application in your space is balanced.

Secondly knowing your colour scheme and how to apply it helps you buy the right pieces.

For example, if your colour scheme is black, white and grey. Would you buy a tan leather sofa? You might like a tan leather sofa because it’s a classic colour and leather is durable but it’s probably better for you to buy a black or grey sofa and stay within your colour scheme.

While some interior styles lend themselves to specific colour palettes, there is also room for flexibility. For example, if you want a Scandinavian styled room, it doesn’t have to be neutral in your colour scheme.

You can have a more vibrant colour scheme and still achieve a Scandinavian aesthetic.

Similarly with Hamptons, you don’t need to have a blue and white Hamptons space, for example you can have a black and white Hamptons room.

An interior design strategy helps with overwhelm and confusion

One of the key reasons clients eventually call me is because they’re confused. They’ve tried to put a room together and it doesn’t work.

They then try to fix the room and spend more money and it still doesn’t work. Essentially, they don’t know why and then they see the value of bringing in an interior designer.

But if they had an interior design strategy, they would be less confused. Because if nothing else they would know how to search for their pieces.

For example, if you want a Scandinavian room, you will shop at Ikea or Icon by Design. If you wanted a French Provincial room, you would shop at Early Settler or Provincial Living.

Knowing where to shop is one easy way to avoid confusion when furnishing your room. That’s why knowing your interior design strategy is important. As you will be clear on where to shop or what to Google.

The other interior design elements

There are seven interior design elements in total. Colour is only one. There is space, line, shape, texture, light and pattern.

There are also interior design principles. Such as harmony, proportion and scale, emphasis, rhythm and repetition and balance.

So if you’re not having any luck buying the right furniture, let alone putting a room together it’s because there’s more to it than just choosing furniture.

But a good starting point is knowing what an interior design strategy for your home project looks like and following it.

There are many ways to figure out your preferred interior style. I use a quiz, ask questions, review the client’s existing pieces or art and determine a specifical and individual interior style goal for each client.

For example for my current client in Glen Waverley, the interior style goal is Modern/Contemporary with interesting pieces, in shape, colour, and material. Pieces that create conversation through global influences.

No two clients are the same. Moreover, each interior style can, and should be, interpreted in many ways. This way you can achieve an individual personal space. A space that tells your unique interior design story.

Many people will have the same furniture as you but your individual touch will help differentiate your space from the rest by telling your personal interior design story.

Telling your interior design story relies on knowing your interior style goal and colour scheme and establishing a solid plan for your room before you begin your home project.

After all this if you’re still stuck then you can completely furnish your room through my personally curated designer furniture sets.

The Design Basics is ideal for people are you confused, moving, living in an apartment, on a tight budget or even if you’re an Airbnb host.

The furniture sets take all the guess work out of the furniture selection process because I’ve personally selected quality pieces for you. So that you can easily and affordably create a beautiful space.